Monday, October 15, 2007

Vegas Gamblers personal geocoin

The front of the coin has a replica of the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign with their geonick in it. The lower left shows "777" to represent slot machines and the lower right is a roulette wheel. Both of these are some of the games that they play in Vegas. The back of the coin represents their favorite game to play, Craps. The dice are tumbling across the table as if they had just been tossed.
Pictured are the Black Nickel and the Nickel. There will also be a Gold version. The only change from the pic is that the BN will have lighter blue writing below their name to help the wording show up better. The coins will be $8.50 each with $1.50 shipping, U.S. and Canada. $2.50 for Internatioinal shipping. Order more than one coin and shipping will be .50 cents more for each additional coin.
How to purchase;
Send an email to: with the below information.
Geocaching name:
Real name:
Paypal email address:
How many of which coin: Black Nickel, Nickel, Gold

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